Mobile First Strategy
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Why You Need a Mobile First Strategy

We Live in A Mobile World Mobile is here, people, and it’s here to stay! So, it’s no wonder the term “Mobile First Strategy” has become a bit of a buzzword these days.  The phone you keep in your pocket, and are very…
Writing a Mission Statement
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8 Questions to Consider When Writing a Mission Statement

Writing a mission statement is a must for business builders, app developers, content creators and any other entrepreneur. However, slowing down to brainstorm about one simple sentence doesn’t always seem like a great use of time, does…
Importance of Branding
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The Importance of Branding

What is Branding? The term “brand” refers to a name, design, symbol, or other feature that sets a product or service apart from the rest. “Branding your business” refers to the process of fostering an emotional connection…
Squarespace vs Wordpress
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Squarespace vs. WordPress – Which Should You Choose?

Okay, so you’ve decided to build a website. You know what it’ll look like, which web design mistakes to avoid, and what it’s purpose will be. What’s next? Well, when it comes to actually building your website, the first step to…
Web Developer Insurance

Should you care if your web designer or developer has insurance?

Dumb question, right?  Wrong!  Unfortunately, not every web designer or developer is insured.  “Why would I need insurance?” “What could possibly happen?”  Well, let me tell you, a LOT.  As a web designer…
Web Developer Location

3 Reasons to Consider Location When Choosing Your Web Developer

How many of you check your email in the morning and you see several emails directed to you to help you build a “newer and better” website?  I’m sure all or most of you.  These emails are not bad; in fact there are some really…
Keeping Control of Your Website

3 Crucial Steps to Keeping Control of Your Website

I can’t even imagine, as a business owner, to spend money on a developing your business page only to lose control of your website.  You can’t login, you can’t update information, and you don’t own the domain YIKES! Obviously,…